Beautiful. Do you think it may be the same eagle "crow" as in the Battle of Maldon? Probably the British would not accept that today?

Did you write this yourself?




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Thank you! Yes, I wrote that. It could certainly be related to the battle crow at Maldon as in Britain and Ireland the crow was commonly associated with the old war (and many other things of course) goddess - Morrigan in Ireland, Rigantona or Rhiannon (or Andraste) in ancient Britain

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Funny that name, Rhiannon, as the female version might be Rihanna. I was laughing a little bit by myself when thinking back at when I attended a Bible School in Uppsala in 1990, but I was not a church member and left school after about 3-4 months because I was working awfully much cleaning a big airport. Pastor Ulf Ekman said that he did not really like men in their 40ies wearing Cowboy boots. That made me raise my eyebrow a little bit since everybody over there, all of the young ones as well, looked as a true copy of himself in suit and the women in dresses, making them look as if they were all working for an embassy, all day long, every day of the year, and they became like that soon after entering that church. We were told to dress properly with skirt edge down on the leg. Only the famous singer Carola Häggkvist was the exception that confirmed the rule since she was a star. I was thinking about how many great American singers like for instance Lyle Lovett who sang gospel in the White House, Beyonce and Rihanna that would have run out of there or never even entered due to those resetrictions. I tried to put a video of Rihanna into my “story” where I shared what I experienced while over there with the “Søta Bror”; Sweet Brother, in Sweden, and I really wanted to add Rihanna’s “Ella” but I could not find one single video of her where she did not put her butt up or her tits were not kind of “covered” so even though I as a woman do not mind since I like the song and do not find tits very fascinating, I really like that song. The churches who are so darned interested in money loose a whole lot of potential donors to their bucket by judging others so harshly while they themselves, the priests members of Friends Of Israel & The Business Men of Christ have made the sanctuary into a den of robbers, slaughtering the “Dove” by selling silver Holy Ghost-necklesses for 400 SEK that year in their stores inside of church while running cafees and bookstores around the next wall. It is totally crazy. Why not then let cowboy-wearing girls like Beyonce and Rihanna sing a duet of “Under my umberella…ella…”?

About my experience at The Word of Life Church and the airport “Perleporten” - The Pearly Gates.


Maybe if Rihanna puts on some church clothes she can perform it in a church and attract the pastors in such a way that they want to be under her financial umbrella and in that way they will be able to expand their Support Israel and Business Men of Christ -agenda?

In “eagle outfit” :)

Rihanna - Umbrella | Dome 2007 | 4K-50FPS


Church Lyle Lovett


Swing Low - Beyonce and The O’Jays


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That's interesting. I honestly didn't know Christian churches in Sweden were that restrictive. I thought they would have been progressive. I suppose they're just as varied as elsewhere.

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If you should ever try to read by google-translating that Pearly Gate post please note that I need to proof read the Norwegian there, since while reading it aloud in the “videos” there I found many mistakes. I also added things by speaking and explaining the things I had already written, so it is still “work in progress”.

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I was one year at “Arken”, the Ark (Noah’s). They of course read the Bible scriptures about women wearing modest clothes so that they would not tempt men and so on, and both the pastor couple; headmaster Linda Graf Bergling and her priest-educated Gunnar Bergling and all of the “girl orchestra” of female teachers, Barbra Erling and a nice psychology teacher, plus maybe one male teacher, and all of the musicians in the praise and worship house band were dressed as examples on how to dress holy. Since we were encouraged to dress properly we did in church services especially on Sundays or conferences but in “every day life” we were of course allowed to dress in jeans and so on, and even at the Word of Life Church in the neighboring town of Stockholm; Uppsala, but overall, in general, the “holy standard” there was more Business-men-for Christ oriented than what I ever experienced the 17 years I grew up in the State Church, protestant/Lutheran Church in Norway, though we did put on nice clothes there too. It is a different mind-set. Totally different. Money is much more in the focus in the “faith churches”. But, they are more modern and funny than the quite depressing teaching in the Lutheran churches. The best thing that has ever happened to the latter is that they for some years have allowed artists who are not typically Christian in public to sing Christmas hymns; hold concerts, in the Lutheran Church, and they have become the lung; fresh air, into a failed system, ever from the start. As Ravi sings putting your trust into antiquaric texts is “faen”; devil (“hell”) not safe, and he is so, so right…. I am speaking from experience. So I left the bride of Christ.

Ravi & DV Løv


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Very good! I like that!

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:) I liked your story too. There are a couple of other mythological “identities” that you mentioned that I am curious about, and will have to look up since I have no idea what/who they were.

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Pleroma derives from the classic Greek, suggesting a state of something completely filled, nothing more can be added, not a drop, nothing.

Pleroma was employed by the ancient Gnostics, those who embraced the love between the Savior and the Magdalene.

I once stood beneathe the clouds, and felt how this world was living differentiation, filling the open spaces, just like the Plemora, where all this fierce wonder came from.

Thanks for the poetry.

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Thank you, and you're very welcome my friend 🙏

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