Sitemap - 2024 - Vulgar Earth


My Homework; Ravaisson and Ducasse

13 Oracular Verses

Four Books

Midday of the Idols


LEVIATHAN; an allegory


What's Left of the Earth

The Oracle of Night

Contra Plastic-Traditionalism


A Stoic Meditation

The Viper

Parmenides' Way

Age for a Sage

The Garden of the World

Be With

Deeper into the Cave; on the previous allegory

The Allegory of the Cave; revisited

Uncle Samsara

The Tell of Days

Isiac Vision

A Great Life

Defending the Indefensible


Final, Philosophical, and further Promotion

A Meditation on the Root-source

Note on Negation


The Trouble with Reductionism

The Lesson

The Archangel

Engels, Hegel, and Nothing-That remains

Science, Nature, and Culture

The Verses of the Psychopomp

Benevolence, then, now, always

Hymn to Sleep

Speculation on Absence and Presence


a meditation on basic experience

Not this, not this,

The Death of Enkidu

Existence, Social Change, and Free Will

To Hen kai To Pan

The No-Eye Eye

Based; a meditation

Concrete Universal, Source/Existence Tissue


From Mystery to Responsibility

Nature, Consciousness, Culture

Rooted Cosmopolitanism

The Spectral Chariot of Cu Chulainn

Time and Non-duality

Form and Content




The Place of Rational and Irrational

The Celestial-Fire Sutra

Sutra of the Doors of Day and Night

Bradley, Kant, and the Fourth Skandha

The City-Port Sutra

Good Science, True Illusion


Just This

A Song for Oisin

As Being-Time


The Limit

Sunday Morning Meditation


Zen, Ambiguity and Ideology

A Brief Primer for Meditation

Common Ground, Good Sense

Conditioned Existence

Nothing is Real

Headaches and Nagarjuna

Stasis and Change

Transcendentalising the Soteron

Cockshott, Ryojin, Numbers, and Experience

Bergson and the Non-dual

Stirner, Nietzsche, Marx, and Dogen

Contradictory Identity

Ethics, Insight, and Intelligence

The Social Implications of Buddhist Thought

Being, Binding, Buddhism

Consciousness-only, Kant, Husserl, and the Ego

Berkeley, Huineng, Body, and Idea


Creativity and Wondrous Void

Change, Development, and Negation in Heraclitus, Hegel, Marx, and the Sutra

Ego, Ultimacy, and Illusion

Hegel, Vedanta, Dialectics, and Emptiness

The Hillside of Heaven Sutra

Consciousness, Culture, and the Unnameable

Human Meditation, Neither East nor West

The Primacy of Experience, the Danger with Words

Transforming Nothing

Life, Death, Politics and Humanity

Essential Nature in Confucianism, Marxism, and Buddhism

The Dao of Marx


Materiality, Dialectics, and Emptiness

Coming soon